NewsStrengthen your company's cyber resilience with Predatar: Read the 14.2 Predatar Eagle update now - improved features

Markus Stumpf — 08. February 2024
Reading time: 01:13 Minutes

Predatar Release R14 Eagle with Veeam raises the bar for resiliency and takes our unique Recovery Assurance to even more organisations.

The Predatar R14 Eagle Update 14.2 is here: Recovery Assurance Technology by Predatar.
Improved features to increase your cyber resilience.

Recovery Assurance from Predatar

Since Recovery Assurance Software (RAS) was introduced as an innovation trigger in Gartner's latest Enterprise Storage Hype Cycle in July 2023, users are increasingly aware of it. With our long-standing engineering partnership with Predatar, we have been using this new type of storage technology in numerous customer projects and have established best practices. 

However, like all emerging technologies, understanding of what it is - and why it is important - is not yet widespread. Working with Predatar, we have already been using their recovery assurance technology in our client projects for almost 2 years. Companies all over the world are already using Predatar Cyber Recovery Orchestration to continuously verify the integrity of their data and the speed of their recovery.

IBM, Cohesity and, most recently, Veeam launched their partnership with Predatar last year, confirming the innovative power and future viability of this development in the face of increasing cyber attacks worldwide. 

Update 14.2 Predatar Eagle: The new features at a glance

CleanRoom setup now faster

CleanRoom setup process is now so simplified that we can get started and create value for your company virtually on the same booking day. 

Stability updates

Predatar has made several improvements to the storage environment.

Enhanced scanning states

R14.2 provides detailed updates on failed processes, ensuring transparent and user-friendly cyber resilience management.

Centralised recovery error logs

Real-time information and optimised error tracking are immediately available via the Predatar GUI.

Continuous product development improves cyber recovery orchestration 

Thanks to agile software development, Predatar is able to provide new functionalities several times a year to increase added value. Three functional enhancements were introduced in 2023:

On 14 September 2023, Predatar and IBM presented the new Predatar release R13.0, code-named Komodo Dragon.

Highlight: Predatar Cyber Recovery Orchestration for IBM Storage Snapshots

It is now possible to analyse and test both VMs and backup data from the data protection solution and, for the first time, also Safeguarded Copies from IBM storage systems. Safeguarded copies are regularly generated snapshots at block storage level that are stored immutably and separately from the primary system for a predefined period of time. This offers readily available cyber resilience if the primary system has been attacked only at operating system level and the storage system is not affected.

In this case, a safeguarded copy is simply used to make data and applications available within seconds. To find hidden malware in these copies, Predatar now also offers the option of scanning file shares or VMWare datastores in Safeguarded Copies in the CleanRoom. The 13.1 update also includes the integration of Microsoft 365 for Teams.

Cyber Recovery Orchestration for Veeam

The major release R14 Eagle followed on 07.12.2023.

Not only was a dark mode for the UI introduced here, but most importantly support for cyber recovery orchestration for Veeam. This enables around 450,000 Veeam customers worldwide to use VMWare backup orchestration and regular malware scans.

In addition, scanning of Linux and Windows VMs has now also been optimised, as VMs can now be scanned much more quickly and easily in offline mode. To ensure that the VM can start after recovery, the VM is started before the offline scan and it is also checked that the operating system is booting completely.

Just in time for the end of the year, the next minor release R14.1 was published on 31 December 2023, which focused on performance, documentation updates and bug fixes. As a result, over 20 improvements were developed, tested and made available to all customers within December 2023. In 2024, we will continue to develop the best solutions for our customers and other stakeholders with the expertise and best practices we have developed with Predatar.

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