Security Information Event Management (SIEM)Immediately detect and fix security threats with IBM QRadar
Many organizations want more visibility into external security threats in relevant networks and infrastructures, as well as an accurate analysis based on correlations and security events. This can only be achieved by using sophisticated security intelligence.
SIEM combines Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) features in a single security management system. In a corresponding system, the collected data on safety-relevant events are stored and can be analyzed almost in real time. In addition, the system automatically generates reports. However, these systems are often very expensive and expensive to administer.
Die IBM Produktpalette QRadar reduziert diese Probleme auf ein Minimum und bietet umfassende Lösungen für Ihre Security Intelligence. Empalis ist – als einer der wenigen IBM Business Partner in Deutschland – für die IBM QRadar Produkt-Palette autorisiert:
IBM QRadar Security Intelligence
The following products are available under the term IBM QRadar Security Intelligence based on SIEM and Log Management:
IBM Security QRadar Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Includes log management, threat management, and compliance management. It combines advanced event and network operations, integrated behavioral analysis, and detection of network irregularities.
IBM Security QRadar Log Manager
Provides real-time (ready-to-go) log management for hundreds of data sources, pre-configured reports, and dashboards that can be easily customized.
IBM Security QRadar Vulnerability Manager
Provides rapid network scanning at regular or dynamic intervals to detect security vulnerabilities and minimize risks.
IBM Security QRadar Risk Manager
Provides security monitoring and auditing, predictive modeling and simulation of security threats, advanced security threat visualization, and impact analysis.
IBM Security QRadar QFlow and VFlow Collectors
Provides integrated collection and capture of network transfers, including Layer 7 application analytics for both physical and virtual environments.
IBM Security QRadar QFlow und VFlow Collectors
bietet eine integrierte Sammlung und Inhalterfassung von Netzwerkübertragungen, einschließlich Layer 7 Anwendungsanalysen für physische und virtuelle Umgebungen.