NewsEmpalis in the Wirtschaftsforum: Prepare your Data Security for Day X

Empalis editorial team — 03. August 2023

Im Wirtschaftsforum beschreibt Alina Mot im Interview Cyber Resilience und die Ansätze der Empalis in heutigen Krisenzeiten

In the current issue of Wirtschaftsforum, a German business magazine and online medium, Alina Mot describes cyber resilience and Empalis' approaches in today's times of crisis - available online or as ePaper.

For the Wirtschaftsforum in an Interview, CEO Alina Mot gives an insight into

  • topics of Empalis in the field of cyber security and cyberresilience as well as
  • benefits for employees and applicants who have chosen Empalis - or still want to.


Read the German article in the ePaper or on the Wirtschaftsforum website.


Read now in Wirtschaftsforum


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