Use CaseHow a regional hospital benefited from a health check for backup in IBM Storage Protect: Shorter runtimes for file shares with dsmISI MAGS

Empalis Redaktion — 15. July 2022
Lesezeit 0:23 Minuten

Empalis Health Check - Use Case

How a regional hospital benefited from a health check for backup in IBM Storage Protect

Backup for IBM Storage Protect (ISP)

A year ago, Empalis was entrusted with the task of carrying out a health check on the backup system in IBM Storage Protect (ISP) at KABEG, the regional hospital operating company.
This health check was prepared and presented in a highly functional manner. The effort for the customer to provide the data to be analysed was very low.A year ago, Empalis was entrusted with the task of carrying out a health check on the backup system 

Shorter runtimes for file shares with dsmISI MAGS

As part of the presentation, the topic of backup runtimes for the file shares was discussed and dsmISI MAGS was offered as a possible solution. In a POC free of charge for the customer with implementation support from the software manufacturer General Storage, convincing results were achieved and dsmISI MAGS has now been put into productive use.

The result of the health check for ISP confirmed the company's strategy of using a backup system, in this case IMB Storage Protect, to back up data for all areas and systems.

Prompt and smooth support from the initial phase through to proper operation is particularly worthy of mention here.“ Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Josef Walgram, Landeskrankenanstalten-Betriebsgesellschaft – KABEG Klagenfurt
Dr. Christian Biermann

Would you like to find out more about the Health Check or dsmISI MAGS?

Dr. Christian Biermann, Senior Consultant
Phone +49 174 3022117

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