Control is the only show in town for people who are fanatical about the resiliency and recoverability of their businesses data. This high-energy virtual event is designed for users of IBM Spectrum Protect and Protect Plus, with the aim to educate and entertain.
This year’s event will focus on the hot and trending topic: Cyber Resilience. So, if you want to get the skinny on how cyber-crime is evolving and how you can use your existing IBM tools along with Predatar's Orchestration Platform to fight back, Control 21 is the place to be.
But hey, we know your time is valuable! That’s why Control is made up of virtual, short and impactful 20-minute sessions. All sessions will be hosted by leading experts in the field, and pioneers of the cyber resiliency movement.
Control will be broadcast globally over 3 hours giving you the ability to drop in and out and only watch the sessions that interest you most.
So, check out the agenda below to see what sessions will work for you. we look forward to seeing you there.
- Welcome to Control 21 | 10:00 EST
- Ransomware: A first hand account | 10:10 EST
- Keynote: Welcome to the Darkside | 10:20 EST
- The future of data resilience with IBM | 10:50 EST
- Cyber Crime: It is time to fight back | 11:15 EST
- Boost your cyber resilience with IBM partners | 11:45 EST
- IBM’s vision for Spectrum Protect | 12:00 EST
- Spectrum Protect World Championships | 12:30 EST
- Control 21 Wrap Up | 12:50 EST
- Close | 13:00 EST
Wed, Oct 20, 2021 · 15:00 BST (GMT 1:00)