EventRansomware Protection through Cyber Recovery Orchestration with Predatar

07. March 2023, 14-15 — Online | Without registration

Cyber orchestration provides critical benefits to your cyber resilience to prevent ransomware attacks. We'll discuss what you should consider when choosing your solution and why we, as backup enthusiasts, prefer Predatar in March's ELET.

Cyber orchestration is the new magic word in protection against ransomware attacks: Comprehensive automated testing of backups, focus on virus freedom and checking for consistency and performance are important features that keep your backup solution consistently at the safest level. For IT teams, this is ideal because a platform like Predatar takes a lot of pressure off the team and minimizes cyber-attack vulnerabilities in advance.


Our experts will discuss the requirements of today's cyber orchestration, from monitoring to reporting, disaster recovery testing to alerting - among other features - united on one platform Predatar.


In the ELET we will also show how to orchestrate with Predatar for IBM Spectrum Protect.

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