Easily explained online: The new benefits of IBM LinuxONE
Our partner PROFI and we at Empalis are pleased to recommend IBM's online event on IBM LinuxONE.
The launch of the IBM® LinuxONE Emperor 4 product in September 2022 introduced important benefits in the areas of energy consumption and reduction of data center footprint while providing scale, performance and security. Now IBM has announced additional innovations to the IBM LinuxONE product family that we clearly see as benefits to our clients.
IBM® LinuxONE exclusive update
The 45-minute online event will showcase LinuxONE's innovations in sustainability, modernization and security that expand LinuxONE's capabilities. Organizations using hybrid cloud technology can manage rising energy costs, better protect themselves from increasing cybersecurity threats and grow their businesses. The event will also feature the latest news about LinuxONE.
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