Expert GuideRunning macros in IBM Spectrum Protect

Oliver Ladage — 02. February 2022
Reading time: 1:15 minutes


You can run macros in IBM Spectrum Protect (ISP) on Windows via Cmd and use them to run automated commands in ISP.

When you set up a new ISP server, it usually has the same initial situation. It has a Stgp archivepool, backuppool and spacemgpool. These are usually no longer required. The stgps that are created during the installation correspond to the traditional world. With the containers one has now Dedup and Compression directly with on board. This saves space and also license costs.

Mostly container pools are used nowadays.

For this we have created a batch file that calls the DSMADMC and executes the macro.

cd "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient" dsmadmc.exe -id=ispadmin -pass=password123 -itemcommit macro "C:\Temp\TSM-commands-after-installation.mac".

Read more about DSMADMC and its parameters

Important to note

The parameter -itemcommit is important here, otherwise it would execute the macro too fast before the ISP server would be done with the task from the first line. With the parameter it makes a commit with every command. Otherwise, you could also set a commit in the macro after each command.

The macro contains some standard commands that one performs on a fresh installation.

Here is an excerpt of them:

register license file=tsmee.lic
del stgp archivepool
del stgp backuppool
del stgp spacemgpool
def stgp container stgt=dir
def stgpooldirectory container E:\ispdata\stg01,E:\ispdata\stg02,E:\ispdata\stg03,E:\ispdata\stg04
def devc dbb devtype=file directory=E:\ispdata\dbbackup\dbb

Conclusion: Cost and time saving

Using these steps, standard executions no longer need to be done manually. You save costs and time.