NewsEmpalis-Vorträge beim 16. GSE IBM Spectrum Protect Symposium 2022

Empalis Redaktion — 06. September 2022
Lesezeit: 0:39 Minuten

Empalis ist mit drei Vorträgen bei dem diesjährig erstmals wieder live stattfinden GSE-Symposium dabei! Und das sind unsere Themen...

Vortrag 1: The Story of a VIKING

Alina Mot stellt Empalis und insbesondere unsere eigene Entwicklung VIKING am Tag 1 persönlich in ihrer Exibitors Presentation vor. Es geht um nichts weniger als die härteste Backup Strategie für Ihre Daten - und welche Power dahinter steckt.

Vortrag 2: How the Rest API might help to get a deep view inside Spectrum Protect Plus?

Andreas Wagener und Christian Biermann bieten 40 Minuten spannende Aspekte zum Thema:

The Rest API is the weapon of choice to exploit the full functionality of Spectrum Protect Plus in an enterprise environment with many distributed VSnaps. It is not only used to configure, ochestrate and manage backup operations, it can also be used to analyse and recognise bottlenecks or potential problems. 

In this session the setup, usage and challenges using the REST API will be covered and some practical guidance provided. 

Vortrag 3: Cyber Resiliency -> A journey not a feature

Kein Cyber-Punk: Markus Stumpf bringt nicht nur Licht, sondern fachliche Tiefe in die Thematik:

Cyber Resiliency, Zero Trust, Ransomware Protection are the buzzwords of Storage and Backup Newsletters for some years now. This session will cover securing the Backup environment, implement new functionalities, hardening and modern data protection concepts to prepare IBM Spectrum Protect Protect and Spectrum Protect Plus environments to survive an cyber attack and more important to recover quickly and the correct data.

Vortrag 4: Round table -> Let’s get IBM Modern Data Protection to the next level? What absolutely needs to be in IBMs next generation Data Protection?

Round Table Diskussion mit Markus Stumpf:

This round table session offers an open discussion of features on the roadmap of IBM or features that are missing. Discuss key functionalities and needs how to bring IBMs modern data protection back to best in class solution in the market. The moderator will guid through current Data Protection trends and how IBMs portfolio can helpto fullfil new demands. This will be an interactive session giving the participants room for ideas, questions and discussions. Also the current IBM RFEs (ideas) can be reviewed, voted and new ideas created.

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